While the University of Cape Verde as we know it today was created in 2006, our story began much longer ago. Since the 1970s, we have been at the service of higher education in Cape Verde.


Teacher Training School

One of the first concerns of the educational authorities after independence was the training of teachers for secondary education, considering that in this domain they depended on foreign cooperation and local recruitment of adequately qualified teachers. To this end, the Secondary School Teacher Training Course was instituted in Praia, under the tutelage of the Minister of Education and Culture, by Decree n. 70, of July 28, 1979.

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Nautical Training Center of Mindelo

In June 1982, the Organic Law of the Ministry of Transport and Communications was approved, which made official in a "final provision" (article 22) the creation of the Nautical Training Center, which replaced the Cabotage School. The Center obtained financial support from the Norwegian Agency for Development and Cooperation and the International Maritime Organization.

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Installing Commission for Higher Education in Cape Verde

In December 1990, the Organic Law of the Ministry of Education was approved by Decree nº160/90, December 22, to establish the Higher Education Coordinating Council. In 1992, it was renamed Comissão Instaladora do Ensino Superior (Commission for Higher Education Installation) through Portaria nº21/92, May 2nd.

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Higher Institute of Education

The Higher Institute of Education (ISE) was created by Decree-Law No. 54/95, of October 2, 1995..

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National Institute of Administration and Management

The National Institute of Administration and Management (INAG) was created by Resolution 24/98 (of 1998), in accordance with Decree-Law 40/96 of October 21, 1996.

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Higher Institute of Marine Sciences and Engineering

The Instituto Superior de Engenharia e Ciências do Mar (ISECMAR) was created by Decree-Law nº 40/96, of October 21st, 1996.

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University of Cape Verde

On November 20, 2006, the Council of Ministers created, through Decree-Law 53/2006, the University of Cape Verde, integrating first the ISE, located in Praia, and ISECMAR, located in Mindelo. In 2007, a third school officially joined the University: the National Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (INIDA), located in São Jorge dos Órgãos. In the first years of its existence, Uni-CV relied on strong support from Brazilian universities for faculty training and exchange of administrative experiences.

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School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences was established on December 23, 2011, originating from the Agricultural Training Center of the National Institute for Agricultural Research and Development (INIDA) and integrated into the University of Cape Verde.

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First free election

On January 31, 2014, the Uni-CV underwent an unprecedented process, with the first free and direct election of its Rector. In this election, Professor Doctor Judite Medina do Nascimento was elected, with 50.9% of the votes, as the new Rector of the University, taking office on February 24 of the same year.

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Faculty of Education and Sports

The Council of the University of Cape Verde, meeting in ordinary session on July 17, 2017, under the powers conferred upon it by paragraph 7 of Article 43 of the Statutes of the Uni-CV, resolves as follows: "The Faculty of Education and Sports, which adopts the acronym FaED, is hereby created as an organic unit of the University of Cape Verde.


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