Study Areas

Climate Change, Natural Resources, Meteorology, Oceanography


2 years | 4 semesters

Total  Credits



Face-to-face | Online 



 Tuition fee

15.000 ECV per month


Faculty of Science and Technology  (FCT)


Polo I - Praia


The Master's Degree in Climate, Natural Resources and Risks was created by the University of Cape Verde aiming to increase its potential in knowledge transfer, and is intended to be a program of excellence in terms of quality and mobilization of partners. 

This internationally recognized program is part of the International Center for Climate Research and Applications for the CPLP and Africa (CIICLAA), which includes the following universities: Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT), Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Centro de Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais (CEMADEN) and Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB).

From a functional point of view, this master's degree program could follow a joint program model, similar to other master's programs that already exist at the Uni-CV and are also available in Portugal and other CIICLAA universities. Thus, it holds the status of an international master's degree program, fulfilling the mission and objectives of the CIICLAA through coordinated pedagogical and scientific cooperation that promotes the sustainability of the member countries and institutions.

Areas of specializantion
  • Climate and Climate Change;
  • Territory, Resources and Risks.
engenharia mecanicaimg

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates in the fields of geography, meteorology, climate, chemistry, natural resources, risks and land use planning from various universities, as well as from other government institutions and civil society are welcome to apply. They must have earned at least a degree and/or equivalent proven experience, verified and assessed by the Scientific Council of the study area.

Professional Outcomes/Exit Profile

Future Master's graduates will be able to carry out specialized tasks as part of multidisciplinary teams: identifying risks and proposing solutions for their sustainable use; working in the areas of climate and climate change research; characterizing risks and proposing technically and financially viable solutions within the framework of planning; risk and disaster management and requalification; skills in monitoring and forecasting extreme precipitation events (floods) in the different regions of Africa in the context of global climate patterns or through nowcasting techniques (radar and satellite).

Program Director

Professor Vera Alfama, PhD

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Program Structure
1.º Semestre

Unidades Curriculares Horas/Contacto ECTS
Meteorologia  30 6
Sistemas de Informação Geográfica 30 6
Estatística Aplicada 45 6
Instrumentos e métodos de observação 45 6
Clima e Alterações Climáticas 45 6


2.º Semestre

Ramo 1: Clima e alterações climáticas (CAC)

Unidades Curriculares Horas/Contacto ECTS
Modelação Numérica do Tempo e do Clima  45 6
Meteorologia Tropical  45 6
Poluição Atmosférica 30 6
Riscos e Vulnerabilidade 30 6
Oceanografia Física 45 6

 Ramo 2: Território, recursos e riscos (TRR)

Unidades Curriculares Horas/Contacto ECTS
Ordenamento e Gestão do Território 45 6
Gestão e Conservação de Recursos Naturais  45 6
Modelação Hidrológica e Ambiental  30 6
Riscos e Vulnerabilidade 30 6
Oceanografia Física 45 6

3.º Semestre

Ramo 1: Clima e alterações climáticas (CAC)

Unidades Curriculares Horas/Contacto ECTS
Seminário 30 12
Dissertação   18

 Ramo 2: Território, recursos e riscos (TRR)

Unidades Curriculares Horas/Contacto ECTS
Seminário 30 12
Dissertação   18

4.º Semestre

Ramo 1: Clima e alterações climáticas (CAC)

Unidades Curriculares Horas/Contacto ECTS
Dissertação   18

 Ramo 2: Território, recursos e riscos (TRR)

Unidades Curriculares Horas/Contacto ECTS
Dissertação   18

SAC (Pós-graduações)

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