The Scientific Council is the scientific management body of the University, acting in compliance with the strategic guidelines of the University Council and the Rector's competences.
1. In general, the Scientific Council is responsible for promoting the scientific and technological improvement of teaching and research activities, as well as for defining and monitoring the University's scientific quality policy, in accordance with the present Statutes and the applicable Regulations.
2. The Scientific Council is responsible, namely, for
- Defining the strategic guidelines for the University's scientific activity;
- Issuing opinions on academic, scientific and technological products;
- Approve the scientific activity plan of the Uni-CV;
- To establish rules for granting degrees and titles, as well as equivalences of national or foreign qualifications;
- To approve the rules for the attribution of honorary titles of the University and the entities to be honored;
- To issue opinions regarding the creation, suspension, and extinction of courses of study;
- To issue opinions about the creation, suspension, and extinction of teaching, research, and extension organic units, as well as of research structures;
- To formulate proposals or opinions about the plans for training and specialization of the teaching staff;
- To issue a reasoned opinion about proposals for the recruitment of teachers by invitation or for the renewal of contracts of visiting teachers; and
- To issue its opinion about the rules for the recruitment of teachers by competitive examination.
3. The Scientific Council is also responsible for
- Advising the Rector in the governance of the University in all matters the latter may wish to submit to him;
- Approving the respective regulations and submitting them to the University Council for ratification;
- Approve juries of competitive examinations for the promotion of associate and full professors.
4. The competences of the Scientific Council are exercised, at the level of Faculties and Schools, by specialized Scientific Committees according to the subject under the terms and conditions to be defined in the University's organic regulation, in the internal regulations, and in deliberations of the Scientific Council.
5. Without prejudice to the provisions in the previous number, the specialized Scientific Committees shall be responsible for assessing and issuing opinions on course curricular projects, curricular unit programs, faculty performance evaluation processes, plans and reports on academic activities of the Colleges and Schools, and other matters submitted to them by the Presidents of these organic units.
6. The specialized Scientific Committees referred to in the previous number may cover one or more Schools or Faculties, depending on the affinities of these organic units and on the existing conditions, under the terms referred to in the final part of the previous number.
7. Without prejudice to their attachment to the Scientific Council, the specialized committees exercise their duties in articulation with the internal bodies of the Colleges and Schools.