The Rector is the highest organ of government, direction and external representation of the Uni-CV.
1. It is the Rector's responsibility
- To preside over the university acts and the meetings of the collegial bodies of the Uni-CV, except as provided in the present Statutes and Regulations;
- Constitute commissions and preside over those whose meetings he attends;
- To keep the Superintendency and the University Council informed about the life, problems, and development of the University
- To direct and supervise the University and, in particular, to ensure the coordinated action of the organs, organic units and services in the performance of their competences and attributions
- To ensure the University's cooperation with similar and partner institutions at national and international levels;
- To approve regulations in development of normative acts approved by the University Council or that establish rules with a short duration;
- Conferring the university degrees and signing the respective diplomas, under the terms of the regulations;
- To authorize the hiring of teaching, research, technical, and administrative staff and to appoint them, under the legal and regulatory terms;
- Admitting and excluding students, under the terms of the regulations;
- To exercise disciplinary power over the University staff, under the terms of the law and regulations;
- Promote the preparation of provisional management instruments and accountability documents, and monitor the implementation of the former;
- Appointing the Presidents of Faculties and Schools, following their election or not, under the terms and conditions to be defined by specific regulation;
- Appointing the other members of the Colleges and Schools Boards of Directors upon the proposal of the respective Presidents;
- Authorize expenses, without prejudice to the competence of the Governing Board;
- Assume all powers delegated to it by the superintendence governmental entity; and
- Whatever else may result from the law, the Statutes and Regulations of the Uni-CV.
2. The Rector is also responsible for all competencies that, by law or under the terms of the present Statutes, are not attributed to other bodies of the Uni-CV.
3. The Rector may delegate to the Vice-Rectors, the Pro-rectors and the General Administrator any competencies that may be necessary for efficient and effective management.
4. Whenever he considers it convenient for the good management of the University, the Rector may also delegate part of his competencies to the Director Councils of the organic units or to other persons invested in management positions, and the delegated entities shall render accounts of the activities performed to the Rector under the conditions defined in the delegation instrument.
5. For the purposes of the provisions of paragraph d) of number 1, the Rector shall meet with the other organs, organic units and services of the Uni-CV whenever he considers it necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the institution.
6. The Rector is exempt from performing teaching duties.
Rectoy Team
Professor Auxiliar, JOSÉ ARLINDO BARRETO
Doutor em Ciências da Linguagem pela Universidade de Franche-Comté, (França)
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O Reitor é coadjuvado no exercício das suas funções por: Vice-reitores, em número máximo de 2 (dois), por si livremente nomeados e exonerados, de entre professores doutorados da Uni-CV; e Pró-reitores, em número máximo de 4 (quatro), por si livremente nomeados e exonerados, de entre professores doutorados da Uni-CV, para o desenvolvimento de atribuições específicas.
Assistente Graduado, JORGE TAVARES
Vice-Reitor para as áreas de Ensino, Formação e Inovação Pedagógica
Doutor em Sistemas Energéticos e Alterações Climáticas pela Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)
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Assistente Graduado, CELESTINO BARROS
Pró-Reitor para as áreas de Tecnologia, Inovação e Dados
Doutor em Ciência e Tecnologia WEB pela Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
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Professor Auxiliar, SÓNIA SEMEDO
Pró-Reitora para as áreas de Investigação e Formação Avançada
Doutora em Engenharia Eletrotécnica pela Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
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Professor Auxiliar, JOÃO MEDINA
Pró-Reitor para as áreas de Avaliação, Comunicação e Eficiência
Doutor em Comunicação pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
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Professora Auxiliar, FÁTIMA FERNANDES
Pró-Reitora para as áreas de Política Estudantil, Social e Extensão
Doutora em Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa da Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
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O Reitor é ainda coadjuvado, em matérias de ordem predominantemente administrativa, económica, financeira e patrimonial, pelo Administrador Geral da Universidade.
Técnico Superior, IDERLINDO PINA
Pós-graduado em Ciências de Dados para Finanças pela Universidade de Cabo Verde
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